The third volume of the best-selling series ‘Passing Time in the Loo’ is here – only available in Kindle!
‘Passing Time in the Loo: Vol. 3’ brings you more than 130 summaries of well-known and well-loved books – plus several books you would like to have read but haven’t got round to reading! So in spare moments you can acquaint yourself with a book you’ve always wanted to know. As a fan of literature you can now complete your education and become genuinely well-read.
You will love this opportunity to remind yourself of some old favourites – such as War and Peace, the Short Stories of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, or Salinger’s classic, The Catcher in the Rye. And if you missed out on some of the children’s classics, this is your opportunity to catch up on The Wind in the Willows, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and The Secret Garden, and many more. And to add to your knowledge (schema), discover the many hundreds of trivia challenges, quotations and pearls of wisdom to spice up your conversation.
You’ll find a short selection of the books below. (You can download the full list of contents as a free sample from Kindle.)
All these books can be yours, right now, at the touch of a button. With Volumes 1, 2 and 3 of ‘Passing Time in the Loo’ now available, it is possible to access any book you want, wherever you are, whenever you have a few moments to spare.
Contents include (short preview – for the full table of contents download it now):
Passing Time in the Loo: Vol 3 contains summaries of more than 130 books, including 11 plays by William Shakespeare, and
The ancients … Antigone (Sophocles), The Cyclops, The Trojan Women and Medea (Euripides), The Birds (Aristophanes)
Operas … The Barber of Seville (Rossini), The Marriage of Figaro (Mozart), Carmen (Bizet), Aida (Verdi), Madame Butterfly (Puccini), The Pirates of Penzance (Gilbert and Sullivan)
Plays … Saint Joan and Pygmalion (Shaw), Cyrano de Bergerac (Rostand), A Doll’s House (Ibsen), The Crucible (Miller), Equus (Shaffer), The Lesson (Ionesco), The Glass Menagerie (Williams), Murder in the Cathedral (Eliot)
Short stories by ... O. Henry, John Updike, Katherine Mansfield, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, John Cheever, Chekhov, Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe, Ray Bradbury, Flannery O’Connor, Isak Dinesen, Isaac Bashevis Singer
Novels … Twenty-Thousand Leagues under the Sea (Verne), Treasure Island (Stevenson), War and Peace (Tolstoy), Sense and Sensibility (Austen), A Room with a View (Forster), The Sea-Wolf (London), Oliver Twist (Dickens), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Hugo), Billy Budd (Melville), Long Day’s Journey into Night (O’Neill), The Devil’s Dictionary (Bierce), The Screwtape Letters (Lewis), Life with Father (Day), Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Stevenson), Dracula (Stoker), Murder on the Orient Express (Christie), The War of the Worlds (Wells), The Caves of Steel (Asimov), Dune (Herbert), Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury), The Sun Also Rises (Hemingway), Crime and Punishment (Dostoevski), The Catcher in the Rye (Salinger), Exodus (Uris), The Diary of a Young Girl (Anne Frank), All Quiet on the Western Front (Remarque), Jurassic Park (Crichton), Patriot Games (Clancy), The Firm (Grisham)
Children’s classics … Charlotte’s Web (White), The Jungle Book (Kipling), The Wind in the Willows (Grahame), The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Baum), The Secret Garden (Burnett), Matilda (Dahl), Stone Fox (Gardner), Ramona the Pest (Cleary), Where the Red Fern Grows (Rawls), Hatchet (Paulsen), Anpao (Highwater), Sounder (Armstrong), Zeely (Hamilton), A Day No Pigs Would Die (Peck), Sing Down the Moon (O’Dell)
Cultural and religious chronicles … The Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), The Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan), The Nazarene (Asch), Two from Galilee (Holmes), The Talisman (Scott), Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Bach), The Tale of Genji (Shikibu), The Last Days of Pompeii and Pope John Paul II
Bonus book Spd Rdng, The Speed Reading Bible (Susan Norman and Jan Cisek)
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